Wednesday, July 8, 2009

KBH-1 Perry-0

Well, as I mentioned yesterday, Perry suddenly reversed his much ballyhooed position on not taking any stimulus money. To be fair to both campaigns, I asked both KBH, and Rick Perry, for a statement on this development. In six minutes flat I had a response from KBH's people. As of yet, I have not heard from Perry's people. I daresay if the rest of the campaign is run like her blog contact people, this race is gonnna be no contest. Anyhow, the campaign sent me a link to a video they made. They also sent this statement: "Rick Perry must get confused keeping all of his hypocrisy straight. Yesterday he spoke by phone and practically begged Vice President Biden for the same stimulus dollars he pretended to blast over the weekend at the TEA Parties. This is yet another reminder that all you get with Rick Perry is politics."
So, if Gov. Rick ever responds, I will be sure to bring it to you. And "if" is the operative word in that sentence.

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