Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, every year we have a time set aside where we leave the politics behind, spend time with our families, and remember the Reason for the Season, that is the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. So, with that note, I will wish you a blessed holiday, and resume the political bickering after the holidays are over.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Texas Governor's Race 2010 (Continuation)

Well, I must admit something to you. I incorrectly predicted which race would be the really big one. I assumed that it would be for the Governor's Mansion, but I was wrong. The big race for 2010 (or a special election before that) is for Kay's Senate seat. Several of my main ideas for candidates have announced, or are discussing a run for her Senate seat (Michael Williams, Roger Williams, Greg Abbot, David Dewhurst, Bill White, etc). So, this post will conclude my analysis of the Governor's Race. I will soon start analyzing the Senate race.

Kay Bailey Hutchinson

Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Everyone has been talking about her. But who really knows who she is? Hutchinson was born on July 22nd, 1943. She was raised in Texas City. She went to University of Texas, and got a Law degree. She was unable to get a job as a lawyer, and so she started working for a Houston news channel as a reporter. In 1972, she was elected to the State House, its first Republican woman. In 1990, she was elected to the office of State Treasurer. This was in a Republican year, which also swept Perry into office. Her big break came in 1993, when Lloyd Bentsen resigned his seat to become Secretary of the Treasury. In the election to finish his term, she won with 29%. In the runoff, she won 67% of the vote. Hutchinson cruised to easy victories every time she has run for re-election. In 2006, she became chairwoman of the Republican Conference, widely considered to be the number 3 position in the Republican leadership ladder. In 2008, she announced that she would not seek re-election to her leadership post, and that she would retire in 2010. On December 4th, she formed an exploratory committee for a gubernatorial run in 2010.

Hutchinson is an extremely popular Republican who stands a good chance of defeating Perry. Perry really has only one issue that h can use. Kay Bailey Hutchinson is mildly pro-choice. This is unknown to most Republicans, and is a serious problem if they can be told that she is. She was a member of WISH List, which is the largest PAC for pro-choice Republican women. She has stated that she does not believe that abortion should be outlawed, and that Roe v. Wade was the correct decision by the Supreme Court. This is extremely alarming for me, as an ultra-conservative. I am extremely unhappy with Rick Perry, but I simply cannot support someone who is pro-choice. I will feel a little more sure about her if she resigns her seat. Soon.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Texas Governor's Race 2010

2010 Texas Gubernatorial Candidates

With the election over, it is time to start looking at the future. I will start discussing the 2010 gubernatorial election. I will be discussing each candidate, posting my article on each, one at a time. I will order the article with the first part being a biography of the politician, and the second part being my analysis of their chances. One thing is for sure: this election is going to be a battle of heavy weights, and it will be played for keeps. At the time of this writing, it appears that at least three of our most powerful politicians will be running, leaving only one of them an office when this is over. This will also create some room for younger politicians to move up the political “food chain” into the vacant offices.

Rick Perry

Rick Perry was born on March 4th 1950, near the family ranch in Paint Creek, Texas. He received his Eagle Scout, and then went to Texas A&M University to study Animal Science, hoping to become a veterinarian. Becoming a veterinarian didn’t pan out, but he did spend time as a yell leader at A&M, a coveted position. After school he spent five years piloting C-130s in the Air Force. In 1977 he returned to the family ranch to take up the family trade. In 1984, he won his first public office, as a state representative. He was elected as a Democrat. He remained a Democrat until 1989, when he was passed up for a leadership position, and then switched parties. In 1990, an up and coming political consultant named Karl Rove saw an empty suit where he could put hi talents to work. Perry became one of his creations, and ran for his first statewide office, winning a surprise victory for the position of Agriculture Commissioner against a popular incumbent. This was one of the first signs that the Democrats’ control of the state was starting to fade. In 1998, Lieutenant Governor Bob Bullock announced that he was retiring, and Perry announced that he would run for the seat. Now, in many lesser states, the office of Lieutenant Governor is nothing more than an honorary, meaningless office. However, in Texas, the Lt. Governor is more powerful than the Governor, because no legislation can come to the Senate floor, and sub-sequentially be passes, without his personal approval. This puts him in an excellent bargaining position. He served in this office until 2000, when Governor George Bush resigned to become President. Perry survived his re-election, coasting to a 58%-40% victory even though he was outspent by more than 2 to 1. One of his more controversial issues was his role in forcing through the new redistricting plan that was masterminded by Tom Delay. He also pushed through a plan for a new superhighway from Dallas, through Austin, to the Mexican border. This was approved, but two years later, was stopped by the state legislature. The most controversial issue, was when he signed an executive order requiring all Texas teenage girls to receive the HPV vaccination. This made the conservative state incredibly angry, with the state legislature overturning his order with an almost unanimous vote. He won re-election in a 4 way race, with a 39% “majority”. This has caused his nickname of “Governor Goodhair” to be replaced with “39% Perry”. On December 21st, he will become the longest serving governor in Texas history.

Perry has many problems with the conservative base of the Republican party, and must survive a definite nomination battle. However, he does have a few advantages. First, is that he has a fundraising advantage, with over insert number million dollars. Second, he is the sitting governor of the state which will cause many loyalists to vote for him. Third, he is 100% pro-life, which is in opposition to one of his primary opponents.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kay Bailey froms exploratory committee

Well, no surprise, but Kay Bailey Hutchinson has formed an exploratory committee to look into a possible gubernatorial run. So, everybody knew that she was going to do this, so the fight is now on. Personally, I am waiting to see if she resigns her Senate seat to prove that she really wants this job. If she does not, she may have a hard time convincing me to support her.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm Sorry

I must apologize for the infrequency of my posting after the election. There are two reasons. First, I am in the middle of finals, and don't have a ton of spare time. The bigger reason is that I am just semi-depressed about the election outcome, and then Republican's hypocrisy over the auto bailout. However, it is time to start looking to the future, and I will start posting soon. Stay tuned for talk of the 2010 Texas political shakeup, and what the GOP should do nationally to revive their image.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cornyn for President!

Wow! In a couple of my last few posts, I mentioned "Cornyn '12". I had no idea that anyone else was echoing my sentiments until I read this (courtesy of the Houston Chronicle):
"[Running for Chairman of the NRSC] has prompted speculation that the senator [Cornyn] may establish a donor base that could position him for an eventual run for president."

This is incredibly exciting! This is just what the Republican Party needs to cure its woes. John Cornyn has the classic combination conservatism. He appeals to BOTH fiscal, and social conservatives (As opposed to McCain, Huck, Giuliani), he has no significant flip flops (Romney...), and sounds very intelligent in media interviews *cough* Palin*cough*.

Go Cornyn '12!

UPDATE: was reading the news and saw this. Popular governors don't go to Iowa right after an election when their candidate lost, without a very good reason. Looks like it is time to add another to the hunt, 4 years before the election...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John Conryn Releases New Website!

On Monday, the John Cornyn campaign will release their newly redesigned website. This will be in conjunction with the release of several tv ads, that you will be able to view on the website. As a Blogger For Cornyn, I was granted access to the new site, and can assure you that it looks like it will be a much better thought out design from the original. If you have a blog and would like to become a Blogger For Cornyn, and have your blog added to the blogroll, then email: with the name of your blog, and its URL.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain is rising in the polls

McCain is only 2 points (on average) behind Obama! Just 4 days ago, he was behind by 7. John McCain also set a world record by having more people listen to a single political speech than any other time in American history. He had 4 million more people watching than did the Olympic Opening. The convention averaged having 4 million a night more than the Democratic Convention. And 10 million more than the average night of American Idol. So, John McCain is generating interest, which usually results in positive movement.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Obama Supporters Want $10 a Gallon Gas

In this new video of protesters on Capitol Hill, Obama's supporters want $10 a gallon gas! Watch the video here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well my friends,
The House Republican Party is at it again: they are continuing their protest of the Democrat's refusal to deal with allowing the US to increase domestic oil production. The protest is having a one-sided debate on the unlit House floor. The protest started on Friday and had something of the flavor of a revival meeting. The protest will continue for an undetermined time. Finally I am proud of something the GOP is doing. If you support it, I would urge that you donate to the Congressional Campaign Committee at:

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Noriega's Buddies Welcome Obama To Houston

Rick Noriega and his trial lawyer friends are rolling out the red carpet tonight for Barack Obama.

The AP reports Obama “heads to Houston for two high-dollar private fundraisers.”

One event host is mega-trial lawyer, and close confidante of Rick Noriega, Richard Mithoff who held a fundraiser for Noriega just last month.

Noriega is sure to be there, pledging his undying devotion to the most liberal member of the United States Senate.

Please click here now to donate to John Cornyn, a real representative of Texas values.

It will send a loud and clear message to Rick Noriega and all his deep-pocketed liberal buddies…Texas values are not for sale!

Obama is the latest national, big-money Democrat to embrace Rick Noriega.

Senator Chuck Schumer, head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said in a recent press release that Noriega “has a real shot this November.”

The man who refuses to allow a vote on giving Texans real relief at the pump, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said recently, “This is the year. Rick is the candidate to defeat John Cornyn and finally turn Texas back from Red to Blue once again.”

Noriega recently traveled to Washington D.C. to plead his case to big money Democrats to invest in his campaign.

He spent the next weekend hob knobbing with high dollar Democrat donors on Martha’s Vineyard.

Texans deserve a Senator that represents them and their values, not one beholden to east coast, elitist, ivy league liberals.

Click here to contribute to a real Texan who represents real Texas values…John Cornyn.

Texans need someone who is more concerned with lowering gas prices and reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil than they are with filling their campaign coffers.

John Cornyn is just that man. Please contribute $15, $25 or $50 now to make sure Texas values are represented in Washington.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

17 Years Old=Second Class Citizen

Memo to Senators Kay Baily Hutchinson, John Cornyn, Congressman Mike McCaul, and respective staff personnel (as well as all other interested parties):
I am fed up with being a second class citizen because I am not 18! Allow me explain: I must pay taxes, but I cannot vote (taxation without representation); I can earn money, but I can't invest said money; I can buy a book, but I can't sell a book; I can put money in a bank account, but I can't take it out; I can buy a cell phone, but can't get service for it; I am taxed, but I can't voluntarily contribute to a campaign; I could go on and on, but I will stop. And BTW all of this is because of either State or Federal Law. Either don't do things like tax me, or allow me to have the privileges of citizenship as well!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Noriega Flip-Flops on Energy

Well my friends,
After months of saying that we cannot "drill our way out of this problem" of high gas prices by drilling offshore and in ANWR, Rick Noriega has flip-flopped. He has now stated that he IS in favor of drilling offshore, and that he would have to "Take another look" at drilling in ANWR. I guess his problem is just that he can't think of anything better than Cornyn can. Well, unless you count pulling all our military out of Iraq and then drilling there for our oil, which he advocated.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Noriega Releases Energy Plan--or Lack Of

Rick Noriega has just released an ad on Youtube promoting his energy policy. You can watch the video here. What this ad boils down to is, Rick Noriega has NO energy policy. He spends almost the entire video attacking John Cornyn. Just as a note, he finds that he can only spend 38 seconds talking about this extremely important issue. Of course, he says how gas prices have risen $2.64 since John Cornyn took office, but I noticed that he does not mention that $1.72 (65%) of that amount has been in the last two years, coinciding with when Democrats took power. He also says that John Cornyn has opposed alternative energy, which is an outright lie. Rick Noriega opposes drilling in ANWR, opposes nuclear energy, opposes clean coal, opposes increased refineries. He is the one who opposes creative solutions to our energy crisis. You can watch Cornyn's videos on the issue here. I encourage you to watch all of Cornyn's videos. Who do you think will be the most capable to deal with our energy problems, Senator John Cornyn, or State Representative Rick "I can't figure this out" Noriega?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Does Rick Noriega Support Trial Lawyers Over National Security?

AUSTIN, Texas—A bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate is set to pass legislation today to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), allowing American intelligence professionals to gather critical additional information to detect and deter terrorists. Yet U.S. Senate candidate Rick Noriega opposes the measure, putting him far outside the mainstream and on the opposite side of most Texas Democrats in Congress.

Noriega objects to a provision in the FISA reform that prevents lawsuits against telecommunications companies that acted in good faith at the request of the administration and monitored potential terrorist communications. Thanks in part to disruption of terrorist planning, the U.S. has not suffered another domestic attack since Sept. 11, 2001.

“What is more important to Rep. Noriega—the safety of the American people, or his close relationship with trial lawyers?” asked Kevin McLaughlin, spokesman for U.S. Sen. John Cornyn’s re-election campaign. “There is only one group that would benefit from the vindictive, frivolous lawsuits that Noriega is trying to protect. That is the trial lawyers who would bring massive suits against companies attempting to act in the national interest.”

Noriega is a longtime, dependable recipient of trial lawyer campaign donations. And several recent fundraising receptions staged by his cash-starved campaign have been hosted by trial lawyers such as Fred Baron (Dallas), Richard Mithoff (Houston), Robert White (Odessa) and Clay Jenkins (Dallas).

Noriega has come up with inventive reasons to justify his trial lawyer-friendly position. For example, in a campaign video last week, he made the novel accusation that he opposes monitoring communications between terrorists because he suspects national security authorities eavesdropped on conversations he had with his wife!

“When we got on the computers to wake up our families on that Christmas Day, I suspect that the government probably listened in on my and Melissa’s conversation because it was communication between two countries,” Noriega said in the video.

Noriega apparently believes the National Security Agency (NSA) was eavesdropping on his conversation via the Terrorist Surveillance Program. It is a comment that, at best, reveals an unpardonable misunderstanding of the FISA program. At worst, it is a reckless charge levied in an attempt to mislead Texas voters. No mainstream news outlet has reported a similar charge made by any other serviceman. It appears Noriega is the only federal candidate, Republican or Democrat, to throw this wild idea into the political mix.

The FISA reform bill is the product of extensive bipartisan negotiations and is widely supported by a majority of Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate. “This legislation strengthens the ability of our intelligence agencies to conduct lawful surveillance of foreign targets,” said U.S. House Intelligence Committee Chairman U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, last month.

In addition, U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said that without these measures our intelligence will be “degraded.” The Director of National Intelligence said that if the bill is not approved, the U.S. would lack the necessary tools to intercept communications between foreign nationals.

Only four members of the 32-person Texas congressional delegation voted against FISA modernization. Among those joining Senator Cornyn in supporting this legislation include Reps. Chet Edwards, Henry Cuellar, Al Green, Gene Green, Nick Lampson, and Silvestre Reyes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

In advocating the compromise, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn has cited an incident in Iraq last year that demonstrates need for FISA reform. Three U.S. troops were kidnapped in Iraq, south of Baghdad, by al Qaeda terrorists. The U.S. military immediately launched a search and rescue operation.

Within hours, a new source of information was discovered that required electronic surveillance of phone conversations. Then, a maze of complicated U.S. laws kicked in, stopping progress on the new lead for nearly 10 long hours. U.S. rescue efforts were complicated as government lawyers were forced to sort through a legal quagmire to develop “probable cause” for electronic surveillance. Read this New York Post story for more.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has continually urged Congress to pass FISA modernization legislation to make sure our intelligence professionals have the necessary tools to keep America safe.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rick Norieaga's Energy Plan

This week, Senator Cornyn’s opponent Rick Noriega finally announced a plan to deal with our nation’s soaring energy costs. After weeks of ambiguity on his ideas for a solution, Noriega finally admitted we need to start drilling – but only in Iraq!

As the Midland Reporter-Telegram reported: “Noriega said Tuesday that America should not try ‘to drill our way out of this problem’ of soaring gasoline prices but instead rely on Iraqi oil and alternative energy sources.” (Campbell, 6/25/08)

Yes, you read that right. Rick Noriega wants to increase our dependence on foreign energy sources. In explaining his “plan,” Noriega wants us to rely on a country that he claimed for a year is in a “civil war” and insisted that U.S. troops immediately withdraw from Iraq.

Despite the bizarre nature of Noriega’s strategy, it was not just a one-time thought. During three other campaign appearances in the Permian Basin, he repeated his desire to drill in Iraq – including at a press conference in Odessa and at a meeting with the Midland Democrats. The San Antonio Express-News stated that throughout the day “Noriega repeated his call for exploiting Iraq's oil.” (Ratcliffe, 6/27/08)

Of course, once the people of Texas heard about this bizarre and illogical “plan” and began to voice their strong opposition, Noriega tried to wiggle his way out of the comments by claiming he was joking. W. Gardner Selby reported in the Austin American-Statesman: “Noriega's campaign insisted Thursday that the candidate was kidding. Spokeswoman Holly Shulman said: ‘He was clearly joking.’” (Selby, 6/27/08)

So this troubling and unbelievable explanation on Noriega’s part begs the question: was Rick Noriega really making jokes about drilling in Iraq? Watch the video of one of the many times he discussed this plan. You be the judge.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Texas Governor's Race 2010 Part 1

Texas Governor’s Race 2010

The race for Governor in 2010 has started to have almost as much speculation as the 2008 elections. I will discuss many of the possibilities. These fall onto two groups: announced, and potential candidates. I have split it into two groups to publish.

Announced Candidates

Rick Perry

Rick Perry is, at the time of this writing, the only announced candidate. Rick Perry is currently the longest serving Governor in Texas history. His candidacy for a third four-year term is unprecedented in Texas, in fact, he had to announce, after his official announcement, that he was indeed really running. He won his last general election victory with only thirty nine percent of the vote. Since he became Governor in December of 2000, he has become characterized as a RINO, Republican In Name Only. He did, in fact, only become a Republican in 1989 after being passed up by the Democrats for a leadership position in the Texas Legislature. He has served the state as a Texas Legislator (1984-90), Agricultural Commissioner (1990-98), Lieutenant Governor (1998-2000), and Governor (2000-Present). Quite a resume. He has hurt his support among conservatives with his support for the Trans-Texas Corridor, support for raising the business tax (to lower the property tax), and his Executive Order requiring all young ladies eleven and older to be immunized for HPV. The word on the street is that Perry, or as his opponents call him, Governor Good Hair, will not be re-nominated by the Republicans.

Non-Committal Possibilities

Kay Bailey Hutchinson

Kay Bailey Hutchinson is the senior Senator from Texas. She was first elected to the State House in 1972, where she served until 1976. After that, she served as State Treasurer from 1990-1993 (that office was dissolved in 1994). She was elected to the Senate in June 1993 where she is still serving. She has been making noises about running, however, there is a large chunk of conservatives who will not support her because she is mildly pro-choice. It is widely thought that she will be the Republican nominee, and since she won re-election with 62% of the vote, she would probably be elected.

John Cornyn

John Cornyn is the junior Senator from Texas. He has served as San Antonio District Judge (1984-90), Texas Supreme Court Justice (1990-97), Attorney General (1998-2002) and Senator (2002-Present). Unlike most of the people listed here, Cornyn has made absolutely no indication that he will run. He is, however, the dream candidate of the very large, very powerful, conservative faction of the Republican Party.

David Dewhurst

David Dewhurst is currently serving as Lt. Governor of Texas. He is widely thought to be considering a run. His main problem is that he has been seen as being to cozy with lobbyists. However, if he does not run he will most probably be forced to fight a fierce fight for re-nomination for Lt. Governor.

Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick is the State Senator from District 7, in Houston. Patrick is seen by many as the savior of the Republican conservatives. He owns two radio stations, one in Dallas, and one in Houston, so he is able to spread his message pretty easily. He has shown his political muscle in the defeat of his political enemy, Rep. Corbin Van Arsdale. This did anger many conservatives around the state. He has also opposed the attempt by popular Houston State Representative Charlie Howard to run for a State Senate seat. One of his supporters has put a fifty foot sign along I-10 urging a Draft Dan Patrick movement, an organization has also been founded for this purpose, however, it has never left the ground. Dan Patrick would be a very formidable candidate.

EDIT: I am aware that Google makes this the landing page when reading about the Texas Governor's Race. However this article is quite old. For your convenience, here are the links to newer summaries of the race.

Minor Candidates:


Rick Perry:

EDIT: For the official Texans for Honorable Leadership Endorsement, go here:

Friday, June 20, 2008

Barak the Short Sighted

Well my readers,
The liberals in the country seem ready to crown Barak Obama King. So, I have decided to add the second part. You know, William the Conquerer, Philip the Bold, Charles the Confessor. So, after Obama's remarks about offshore drilling taking to long, I have decided to crown him Barak the Short Sighted. Honestly, does everything in life have to happen right now. Obama says that offshore drilling would not be fully online until 2030. Fine, hasn't he ever heard of setting things up for your children? Doing something that may not help you? I guess not, but I worry about the day when (If) King Barak is elected. All hail Barak the Short Sighted. (I hope not.)

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Voice of Texas

An organization, The Voice of Texas, has been founded to draft Dan Patrick for Governor. This e-mail has been circulating from their founder, John Thompson:

I just wanted to introduce myself. I am John Thompson from The Woodlands. I am a local Republican and I am sick of how liberal our party is getting. To take matters in to my own hands I started [The Voice of Texas]. The purpose for this website is to draft Senator Dan Patrick to run for Governor of Texas in 2010. As you know Governor Perry thinks he's done a great job securing the border and establishing the business tax - and he deserves another term. Is he your type of Republican?
Senator Hutchinson thinks she's done a great job ignoring Ramos and Compean, killing the border fence, and supporting McCain/Kennedy. Is she your type of Republican?
I think you understand why we need a real conservative to take control of this situation. Please join me in supporting Senator Dan Patrick. I am the only person running this group and I am turning to the local Republican clubs to get word out before the convention. I am hoping to raise some money so that we can distribute materials at the convention.

Well Mr. Thompson, I do not agree with Governor Perry or Senator Hutchinson on the issues, but what makes you think that our type of Republican uses his radio station to bash and defeat a fellow Conservative? Our type of Republican should fit the Christian principles. He should not be greedy for more power, he should not carry a grudge, he should not be lying about a another Christian on the radio. In short, Dan Patrick is not our kind of Republican.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pelosi Premium

This is being talked about a lot, but I thought i would write about it too. When the Democrats were campaigning in 2006, Nancy Pelosi said that they would lower gas prices if elected. The average price of gas? $2.33 a gallon. The average price now? $3.72 a gallon. How much longer can Americans trust the Democrats?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Join THL

If you want to help restore civility to Texas politics, than join Texans for Honorable Leadership. To join, just e-mail:

Monday, April 14, 2008


Here's a quote from John R.W. Stott, a British writer and theologian,

"The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve."

This is what I have been saying all along. Dan Patrick is not fit to lead. Plus, Patrick won what may be considered a rigged election. More on that coming later.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Is Dirty Politics Good for America?

I have been told recently that "dirty politics" is just part of the "American Way" and is perfectly normal. I personally believe that deception, and dirty tricks are not good for our country. Why would an honorable, upright man volunteer to have himself and and his family dragged through the mud. Lied about. Attacked. Is this the best system to pick our rulers? I think not. Our system, where "dirty politics" is business as usual, is desperately broken, and we need to fix it. We need to bring "Honorable Leadership" back to Texas and America!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Dan Patrick is not an Honorable Leader

Using the Three Principles of Honorable Leadership, we can deduce that Sen. Dan Patrick is not an honorable leader.

He has violated Principle 1 by working tirelessly to have the Hon. Corbin Van Arsdale defeated. Representative Van Arsdale's offense? Endorsing Joe Nixon for Senate in the District 7 race in 2006.

He has violated Principle 2 by trying to build a political machine in Texas, instead of letting Democracy work its way.

Dan Patrick has violated Principle 3 by constantly blackmailing and threatening other statesmen.

Alexander Hamilton said in Federalist no. 9, "If a single member should attempt to usurp the supreme authority, he could not be supposed to have an equal authority... Were he to subdue a part, that which would still remain free might oppose him with forces independent of of those which he had usurped, and overpower him before he could be settled in his usurpation."

Dan Patrick, that part "which still might remain free" is here to "overpower [you] before [you] can become settled in [your] usurpation". Texans, stop corrupt, power-hungry politicians! Join Texans for Honorable Leadership to bring a higher moral tone to politics!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Three Principles of Honorable Leadership

We have established "The Three Principles of Honorable Leadership" to use when examining a candidate to see if he is an honorable leader.
Honorable Leaders MUST:
  • Put what is best for Texas above personal or political gain.
  • Do what the state needs, not what lobbyists or other political powers want.
  • Lead by example and persuasion, not by threats and political punishment.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Texans Want a Change in Leadership!

Fellow Texans,
In the past day, the amount of visits to this website has been multiplied by 9. This should show us, and Senator Dan Patrick something: Texans are ready for a change in leadership styles! We don't want someone who claims to be a "freethinker", and then tries to force his "free-thinking" on everybody else. We don't want a leader who leads, not by example or persuasion, but by threats and bullying others. Texans want Change! Texans want "Honorable Leadership", not someone who wants to use his office to settle some old political scores, not someone who will do anything to keep power rather than do what is best for Texas and its people! To Dan Patrick: Your days in office are numbered! To everyone who supports honesty and justness in politics: join Texans for Honorable Leadership, and then tell all your friends about it, and all your friends' friends! We will stop this underhanded rule by Dan Patrick!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Texans for Honorable Leadership is Founded

Fellow Texans,
I have recently learned that Texas State Senator Dan Patrick was involved in the defeat of the Honorable Representative Corbin Van Arsdale. I have no problem with defeating liberal Republicans, my problem is that Rep. Arsdale is a strong conservative, endorsed by groups such as the Texas State Rifle Association, the NRA, the Texas Alliance for Life, Texas Right to Life, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, and the Texas Homeschool Coalition. So what was Rep. Arsdale's offense? He endorsed a House colleague (Joe Nixon) over Dan Patrick in 2006, for the open District 7 State Senate Seat. Now, 2 years later, Dan Patrick is continuing his private war with Van Arsdale by making sure he was unseated. There are also reports that he threatened Rep. Patricia Harless with a similar fate if she tried to help Rep. Arsdale survive this coup.
In response I, Joshua Hebert, am hereby founding Texans for Honorable Leadership. THL will fight to restore civility in politics, and stop political bullies from defeating conservative incumbent Republicans.