Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interview with Larry Kilgore

Q: I have read some on Wikipedia about you, but it was pretty limited, so tell me about
yourself. Schooling (primary and secondary)? School age programs and awards? Family? Career?

A: I was born and raised in Amarillo Texas across the street from Mesa Verde Elementary School where I attended school in the first grade. Due to the United States government forced busing program, I attended Robert E Lee Elementary three miles away during second through sixth grade. I attended Travis Junior High, Palo Duro High and Amarillo College. I was very involved in the Royal Ambassadors Program at First Baptist Church. I was employed at Sutphen's BBQ, Peking Chinese Restaurant and McKenzie's Interior Design.

At age nineteen I enlisted in the United States Air Force. After completing basic training, I attended electronics school at Keesler AFB. I served in Lajes Field, Portugal and Cheyenne Mountain NORAD. While at NORAD I volunteered to wear a key to participate in the launch of nuclear weapons if so ordered. After serving in the Air Force as a NCO, I started a career in wireless communications.

In 1989 I married my virtuous wife, Valerie. We have three teenage children. My 17 year old daughter and 15 year old son have graduated from home school and my 13 year old son is participating in athletics in government (public) school.

Q: You got 150,000 votes last election (in round numbers), how did you do it? How big was your campaign? Are you trying to replicate the "magic"?
A: Actually I received 226,649 votes in the 2008 Republican Primary. Money raised totaled 0.03% of what the opponent received. However, votes received totaled 18.5% of what the opponent received. The reason there was such a large vote percentage for myself without the advantage of large donations was due to Texans' desire for freedom via secession. And secession is still my main issue.

Q: Against Rick Perry raising $4 million in just 9 days, do you think you are a good enough fundraiser to compete?

A: Perry or Hutchison will win the fund raising war. However elections are won by votes and not by money.

Q: Do any "big name" Texans support you?

A: One thing I like about social networks is the ability to quickly identify supporters. And all of them are important, even the "small name" people.

Q: Texas Secession--why?

A: Washington continues to ignore the 10th amendment and Texas is not in a suicide pact with the US government. Until Texas independence, Washington's mandates on transportation, education, housing, health care and family issues will continue. Texas GOP Platform page 8 and 20: "We support state sovereignty reserved under the Tenth Amendment and oppose mandates beyond the scope of federal authority. We support downsizing of the federal government in order to re-establish states’ rights."

Q: Do you really consider the state to be a slave to the US?

A: Yes. 76% of the Texas budget is education, health & human services. And we receive federal funds for these programs only if we obey their mandates. Texas government has been overruled by US on the issues of alcohol, drugs, abortion, adultery, marriage, sodomy, death penalty, education, housing, employment, etc. Texans currently have no jurisdiction on Security, Immigration or Trade Agreements. Texans are forced to participate in Social Security & Medicare. Yes, Texans are slaves to the US government.

Q: Would the US really let its second largest state just leave?

A: The USSR peaceably separated and the USA can accomplish the same feat. The US Congress will need to work on a separation plan so the US government will be prepared to fairly and equitably divide assets & liabilities with states that request independence.

Q: Besides Texas Secession, what sets you apart from the other candidates?

A: Secession is so huge an issue that all others pale in comparison. I have not heard the other candidates speak about issues involved in running a new country with a new constitution.

Q: Perhaps I should rephrase that. Besides secession, what are your "pet peeves"?

A: Unlike my opponents I actually have a plan that will allow local communities to make decisions for themselves on the issues of Education, Health Care, Criminal Justice, retirement, etc. The other candidates may want to do something about these issue, but I am the only one offering a viable solution.

Q: What do you think of the other candidates (Perry, Medina, Hutchinson)?

A: Any of the candidates mentioned would probably do a wonderful job leading the nation of Texas via the parameters provided in the new Texas constitution. However, unless they pursue secession they will just become a slave governor reporting to their US masters.

Q: Do you honestly think you can win, or are you just trying to pull the discussion your way?

A: 2006 was Goliad. 2008 was the Alamo. 2010 is San Jacinto.

Q: If someone wanted to donate money or volunteer for your campaign, how would he/she go about it?

A: To volunteer or donate please visit or email or call 817-453-5744.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am just giving all of y'all a heads up, keep watching the blog--in the next couple of days, I will be posting an interview that I was able to conduct with Larry Kilgore (candidate for Texas governor).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Minor(ish) Candidates for Governor

Debra Medina:
I must admit, I had never heard of Debra Medina until someone commented on a post of mine, and told me to check her out. So, I did. Unfortunately, I could not find out too much about her, but what I did was this. She is from Beeville Texas, with two children. Her education includes a Nursing Degree from Baptist Memorial Hospital System, and a Bachelor of Science and Business Management from Le Tourneau University. Apparently she is currently the President/CEO of Prudentia, a medical claims management firm. She is the chairwoman of the Wharton County Republican Party. As far as I can tell, she has never held office. Reading the "issues" section of her website, she sounds like pretty typical Republican fare. That is until I read two things, first she wants Texans to use ballot initiative to force Republican candidates to support, or at least not harm, the Republican platform. The second is that she was the state director for Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty. Now, I have this thing against Ron Paul since he and his supporters usually come across as moonbats. And before the election, I would have supported the ballot initiative idea, but I saw that the Democrats have a winning idea with allowing people to adjust to their districts, to be able to take the other party's turf. So, that is two strikes against her, in my book. However, it is still to far away from the election to pass judgement, so I will wait, and learn more about her before I decide who I am gonna support.

Larry Kilgore:
You can sum Larry Kilgore up in two words: Texas Seccession. I do believe that is enough to say about him, but I will give you his background regardless. He is from Amarrillo. He served in the USAF from 1984-88. He has run for a variety of offices, from congress (in CO) to US Senate against John Cornyn, but has never won. Here is a complete list:
  • Colorado Republican Primary HD40 1994
  • Colorado Republican Primary HD40 1996
  • Colorado Constitution Party General Election HD40 1998
  • Texas Republican Primary HD93 2004
  • Texas Republican Primary Governor 2006
  • Texas Republican Primary US Senate 2008
  • Texas Republican Primary Governor 2010
It is not to early to make a call about Kilgore: no. While I respect that he is very religious, seccession is absolutely the wrong course of action to take, at the moment.

Kinky Friedman
How could it be a race for Gov without him? Well, he is running again, this time around trying to get the Democratic nomination. Kinky was born in 1944, and was a singer/comedian, as well as a novelist, and a columnist for Texas Monthly. He gained notoriety for his 2006 campaign for Governor, featuring the themes of "How Hard Could It Be?" and "Why The Hell Not?" He gained 12.6% of the vote, to come in fourth. He has also run (1986) for Justice of the Peace in Kerrville, but, predictably, lost. As I said, he will be running as a Democrat, which is good, since many of his ideas are more towards the Democratic side. He is pro-choice, anti-death penalty, and pro-gay marriage. And being a joke, he should be a perfect fit over there.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

KBH-1 Perry-0

Well, as I mentioned yesterday, Perry suddenly reversed his much ballyhooed position on not taking any stimulus money. To be fair to both campaigns, I asked both KBH, and Rick Perry, for a statement on this development. In six minutes flat I had a response from KBH's people. As of yet, I have not heard from Perry's people. I daresay if the rest of the campaign is run like her blog contact people, this race is gonnna be no contest. Anyhow, the campaign sent me a link to a video they made. They also sent this statement: "Rick Perry must get confused keeping all of his hypocrisy straight. Yesterday he spoke by phone and practically begged Vice President Biden for the same stimulus dollars he pretended to blast over the weekend at the TEA Parties. This is yet another reminder that all you get with Rick Perry is politics."
So, if Gov. Rick ever responds, I will be sure to bring it to you. And "if" is the operative word in that sentence.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Perry Bailout Drama

Perry has changed his mind about accepting the bailout money, even asking VP Biden when we are getting it. Waiting on comments by the campaigns...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dan Patrick for Gov?

Well, I found this petition slightly humorous. It asks Dan Patrick to run for Governor of Texas. Stated goal was 100,000 signatures, whereas actual received signatures was...11. Perhaps all the rumors about Patrick running are a little overgrown?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Empty Holster Solidarity

Well folks, I have been gone from writing for a while, due to an incredibly hectic school schedule. However, I thought I should pass along this little tidbit. The Texas Legislature is having a bill (HB 1893; SB 1164) that would allow people with a concealed carry permit to carry on a college campus. We have seen what happens when guns are not allowed (Virginia Tech) and we have seen armed classrooms remain safe (Israel, Thailand, and Utah, law school shooting a few years ago). So, I think in solidarity, not protest, all students should carry an empty holster on campus while the bill is being debated.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Corrupt Democrats

Well, I have told all my friends that I was going to give Obama a chance, going in with an open mind to see how he would do. Well, it took him just three days to tick me off. What did he do? I am glad you asked. He removed the rule that would prevent US tax dollars from being used to fund international abortions. Next up on the list, after his claims that he was going to be this new, transparent, ethical administration, Obama is already bending the rules to allow a lobbyist to serve as Deputy Secretary of Defense. So, everyone says that the first 100 hours are critical to setting the tone for the rest of the administration. Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 8 years? Talking a good talk, and then undoing what you just did less than 2 days? This is not good for our country. On this note, the only media that has gotten an interview with him since he became President was the company (ABC) that spent millions hosting a ball for him. This has created what some reporters are calling a "Pay to play system." Oh, and the Feds are raiding a contractor that Democrat Jack Murtha steered more than $100,000,000 to. Can anyone say corruption?
In other news, Bobby Jindal is not doing much to clamp down on the rumors of a Presidential run when he is getting the top speaking slot for the NRCC, a spot usually taken by former President Bush.