Wednesday, July 30, 2008

17 Years Old=Second Class Citizen

Memo to Senators Kay Baily Hutchinson, John Cornyn, Congressman Mike McCaul, and respective staff personnel (as well as all other interested parties):
I am fed up with being a second class citizen because I am not 18! Allow me explain: I must pay taxes, but I cannot vote (taxation without representation); I can earn money, but I can't invest said money; I can buy a book, but I can't sell a book; I can put money in a bank account, but I can't take it out; I can buy a cell phone, but can't get service for it; I am taxed, but I can't voluntarily contribute to a campaign; I could go on and on, but I will stop. And BTW all of this is because of either State or Federal Law. Either don't do things like tax me, or allow me to have the privileges of citizenship as well!

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