Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Texas Governor's Race 2010 Part 1

Texas Governor’s Race 2010

The race for Governor in 2010 has started to have almost as much speculation as the 2008 elections. I will discuss many of the possibilities. These fall onto two groups: announced, and potential candidates. I have split it into two groups to publish.

Announced Candidates

Rick Perry

Rick Perry is, at the time of this writing, the only announced candidate. Rick Perry is currently the longest serving Governor in Texas history. His candidacy for a third four-year term is unprecedented in Texas, in fact, he had to announce, after his official announcement, that he was indeed really running. He won his last general election victory with only thirty nine percent of the vote. Since he became Governor in December of 2000, he has become characterized as a RINO, Republican In Name Only. He did, in fact, only become a Republican in 1989 after being passed up by the Democrats for a leadership position in the Texas Legislature. He has served the state as a Texas Legislator (1984-90), Agricultural Commissioner (1990-98), Lieutenant Governor (1998-2000), and Governor (2000-Present). Quite a resume. He has hurt his support among conservatives with his support for the Trans-Texas Corridor, support for raising the business tax (to lower the property tax), and his Executive Order requiring all young ladies eleven and older to be immunized for HPV. The word on the street is that Perry, or as his opponents call him, Governor Good Hair, will not be re-nominated by the Republicans.

Non-Committal Possibilities

Kay Bailey Hutchinson

Kay Bailey Hutchinson is the senior Senator from Texas. She was first elected to the State House in 1972, where she served until 1976. After that, she served as State Treasurer from 1990-1993 (that office was dissolved in 1994). She was elected to the Senate in June 1993 where she is still serving. She has been making noises about running, however, there is a large chunk of conservatives who will not support her because she is mildly pro-choice. It is widely thought that she will be the Republican nominee, and since she won re-election with 62% of the vote, she would probably be elected.

John Cornyn

John Cornyn is the junior Senator from Texas. He has served as San Antonio District Judge (1984-90), Texas Supreme Court Justice (1990-97), Attorney General (1998-2002) and Senator (2002-Present). Unlike most of the people listed here, Cornyn has made absolutely no indication that he will run. He is, however, the dream candidate of the very large, very powerful, conservative faction of the Republican Party.

David Dewhurst

David Dewhurst is currently serving as Lt. Governor of Texas. He is widely thought to be considering a run. His main problem is that he has been seen as being to cozy with lobbyists. However, if he does not run he will most probably be forced to fight a fierce fight for re-nomination for Lt. Governor.

Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick is the State Senator from District 7, in Houston. Patrick is seen by many as the savior of the Republican conservatives. He owns two radio stations, one in Dallas, and one in Houston, so he is able to spread his message pretty easily. He has shown his political muscle in the defeat of his political enemy, Rep. Corbin Van Arsdale. This did anger many conservatives around the state. He has also opposed the attempt by popular Houston State Representative Charlie Howard to run for a State Senate seat. One of his supporters has put a fifty foot sign along I-10 urging a Draft Dan Patrick movement, an organization has also been founded for this purpose, however, it has never left the ground. Dan Patrick would be a very formidable candidate.

EDIT: I am aware that Google makes this the landing page when reading about the Texas Governor's Race. However this article is quite old. For your convenience, here are the links to newer summaries of the race.

Minor Candidates:


Rick Perry:

EDIT: For the official Texans for Honorable Leadership Endorsement, go here:


Rob said...

DP has money to throw around as well. In fact a quick review of Campaign finance reports shows he gave over 60K to a local candidate for state rep. 25K from the DP campaign and the rest from his radio station. And as hes said it was a grass roots effort. Hmmm.

Rev Ken said...

LOL@using the term "republican" and "Honorable" in the same sentence. Republicans= crooks and war criminals. If you defend a war crime you become a war criminal. rats are the last to jump ship. LOL

Anonymous said...

Debra Medina, Republican for Governor

Unknown said...

I voted for Ron Paul for president he was the best candidate and I'll be voting for Debra Medina for governor, she's the best candidate. Rino's need to get the hell out of the way so we can get this country back to the people instead of the NAU NWO bankster's.

elijavier said...

Anything but Perry.

Rudy said...

Latinos have become on of the largest Socio-politico-Economic groups in America. Even more so in Border States. Medina talks on issues relevant to Texas and our state. There's little prospect for new campaign finance reform legislation in the wake of last week's Supreme Court decision expanding the ability of outside groups to pour money into elections. I feel that we should have "initiative and referendum" as well so that the voting public has a say on each an every issue confronting Texans. Wouldn't it be nice if all the pundits were wrong and people voted out all the incumbents. We need to do a house cleaning. "Vote out the Encumbants". Vote Out The Encumbant Republicans ---Vote Out The Encumbant - Democrats ---Vote Out The Encumbant entrenched political heirarchy. Since we do not have "Initiative and Referendum" nor "Term limitation" in many states and areas I feel "We the people" should vote out all the entrenched career politicians. We do not need career politicians. Medina Hacker and Backers - Check this site out!!!!!!

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think maybe a write-in contender could be the better bet. There is just too much dirty baggage on Perry and White. Can't really vote for the lesser of the two evils because they're both equal in that regard. What ever happened to people (candidates) who really care about others and their property?